This book is beautifully written, at times heart-wrenching, but most of all a book of optimism and love. Every parent rides a roller-coaster of hopes and fears with their children, and so every parent will see parts of themselves reflected in this powerful story. It reminded me that, as parents, we are not alone in our struggles and that every battle we fight to give our children the best possible life is a battle worth fighting. An absolute must read!
Emily P

A gorgeous, honest and beautiful account of shattered hope. This memoir reads somewhat like a novel. I feel like I am getting to know the characters in the story and have to remind myself that this is a young family’s reality. I love Doctor Henry and Mary. But most of all, I love Elliot. The little man is a legend and getting his point of view from a very early stage is genius.
I was expecting a journal filled with medical jargon that I wouldn’t be able to relate to. What I got was a heartfelt journey about the challenges of raising a child with a special needs complete with tears and frustration but also joy and triumph.
Ghis Gallo

A beautiful story of a mother’s love and how becoming a mother can turn out very different than expected. Cried my way through most of this book